Surgical Abortion Procedures
Confirm your pregnancy and get the information you need on abortion and your options.
Aspiration Abortion
An aspiration abortion procedure can be performed up to 13 weeks after a woman's LMP. It is the most common early surgical abortion method and it is an outpatient procedure.
Dilation and Evacuation
A D&E abortion is typically performed 13 weeks or more after a woman's last known period (LMP). It is the most common second-trimester surgical abortion method. Local anesthesia or sedation is commonly utilized.
what determines the cost of an abortion?
Abortion price by various providers is determined by several ​​factors, including but not limited to:​
Abortion method
Gestation (how far along you are)
Single or multiple pregnancies
Vacuum aspiration, D&C, and D&E are the most commonly performed surgical abortion procedures.
How we can help
Come see us for a no-cost pregnancy confirmation and options consultation appointment. We can determine how far along you are, inform you about options available to you, and answer any questions you may have about pregnancy and abortion. We provide education on abortion and pregnancy options. We do not refer for or provide the abortion pill. Contact us to learn more.